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Which year are you in?

Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

I understand my interests and how they relate to future courses or careers

I know which subjects I enjoy or do well in and how they relate to future courses or careers

I make course and career decisions based on my own choices, not friends or social media

I understand the world of work and a range of occupations within it

I know the subjects and courses available to me and where they might lead in careers

I understand the career opportunities open to me


Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

I have set clear and achievable subject or course goals

I have developed a career plan for myself

I make subject and course decisions based on research

I carefully consider my subject and course options before making decisions

I have researched the subject choices I need to make in the next few years

I regularly review my subject course and career plans


Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree

I am confident I will be successful in my chosen career

I believe my talents and skills will be used in my future career

I am confident I can succeed in anything I set my mind to

When tasks are difficult I am certain I will accomplish them

Compared to most people I can do most tasks very well

Even when things are tough I perform quite well
